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Prevention & Treatment of Poison Ivy: What to Do When Your Tween Contracts This Itchy Rash

The substance that causes a poison ivy rash is called urushiol, which is a clear oil that seeps from the plant. This same substance is also responsible for the rash reaction in poison sumac and poison oak. No one likes to have poison ivy. It is itchy, ugly, and can spread like crazy, if you don’t take care of it right away. For tweens who are allergic to the plant, it can become a real nightmare.
Poison Ivy Prevention
The best way to handle poison ivy is to avoid it all costs. To do this, you need to know what the plants look like. There are a few pictures shown below for you to get a good look at the different presentations of poison ivy.
If you identify the plants anywhere in your yard make arrangements with a professional to have the plants removed. If this is not feasible, make sure your child knows the boundaries of the plants to avoid going near them. Simply brushing up against a plant can cause an outbreak, as well as tearing the leaf by accident. It is not advisable to try and remove the plants yourself, as contracting poison ivy is easy to do, unless you have experience with such removal.
Treatment of Poison Ivy
If you know that your tween has been in contact with poison ivy within the first 10 minutes of the interaction, wash the exposed areas with soap and water immediately. Do not give your child a bath, as the oil can spread in the bath water and contaminate other parts of his body quickly. Instead, use a wash cloth just to the affected areas, and then throw the wash cloth in the garbage can outside right away.
Treating poison ivy depends on the severity of the rash. For a minor outbreak hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion can be just the trick. For more severe cases an antihistamine (such as Benadryl) is often prescribed, and even steroids for really severe cases where the skin is inflamed and irritated. A cool shower is also recommended, as hot water can irritate the rash.
A typical poison ivy rash lasts approximately two to three weeks. All treatments are aimed at soothing the symptoms the rash causes, but will not keep it from happening again. Prevention is the best way to keep poison ivy from returning.
Complications of Poison Ivy
Scratching can make poison ivy worse. This can cause a secondary bacterial infection, especially if fingernails are dirty. An antibiotic is usually prescribed to treat this bacterial infection.
Poison ivy is highly contagious. It is important for your tween to avoid physical contact with anyone until the blisters have healed and are no longer oozing liquid. Check with your child’s doctor to know exactly when he is no longer contagious.
If your tween develops a fever at any time during an outbreak, take him to the doctor’s office as soon as possible. This can be a sign of a more serious infection, and may require prescription drugs to treat properly.
Note: This article is not intended to be professional medical advice. Only your doctor can really know what is the best treatment of poison ivy for your child. Always consult your doctor when your tween has any type of rash.
A Look at Kurt Cobain’s House Years After His Suicide

Kurt Cobain was the lead singer of the band Nirvana. He started with his music career in 1982 and his band became popular with several hits including Smells Like Teen Spirit. Despite his success, the musician suffered from depression and drug addiction, which eventually led to his tragic end taking away his life. The suicide happened at Kurt Cobain’s house in Seattle.
Kurt Cobain’s house in Seattle was well-known by fans. This black plastic on the wall used to give him the privacy that he needed from the eye of the public.
His Seattle property where he lived with his wife, Courtney Love, is located at 171 Lake Washington Boulevard E Seattle, WA 98122.
Days prior to his death, Love led an intervention with regards to Cobain’s drug use, which at first led him to lock himself in the room, but eventually agreeing to enter a rehab facility.
However, Cobain escaped, and flew back to Seattle. On April 8, 1994, his body was found at the greenhouse of their property with his suicide note. According to autopsy, he died approximately April 5, 1994.
The greenhouse where Cobain committed suicide was torn down as requested by Love. Many fans still come to see the house over 20 years after Cobain’s death.
Since the wall of Cobain’s house is too high, visitors usually end up sitting at the bench nearby, which is now covered by messages for the musician, and lyrics of the band’s songs.
On the other hand, Kurt Cobain’s home in Aberdeen where he lived with his family when he was still a child went up for sale a few years back.
It was up for half a million dollars, but for some reason, it was still not sold up to this day, even though there was a huge cut from its original listing price.
The writings and stickers that Cobain personally placed on the wall are still there. Nirvana fanatics must be thrilled to see this.
Even the mattress that Cobain used when he was a kid is also still present and it will be included in the house sale.
Blac Chyna’s Before and After Photos Tell the Real Deal with Her Plastic Surgery

Blac Chyna is a model, reality TV star, and entrepreneur who became famous for being featured in several music videos, including that of Nicki Minaj and Kanye West. She started modeling in 2010 and she was also working as a stripper during that time. Many are wondering if her butt and boobs are real and these Blac Chyna’s before and after photos will tell you the real deal.
This was how Blac Chyna looked like when she was younger. You could tell right away that she looked way different today.
One of the most notable parts that changed on her body were her breasts. Her breasts obviously look bigger than they were.
We are not sure how many times she had her boobs done, but they look even bigger on this image.
While she always had a big butt, it is a lot larger compared to when she was just starting to be noticed in the entertainment industry.
She never admitted that she had butt implants but reviewing her before photos and the ones that she have today, you could see the drastic change.
It appears that Blac Chyna also had her nose done. On the left image, her nose looks wider, compared to the more pointed nose on the right.
Her cheeks were always full ever since she was younger, as seen on the left picture. The right image on the other hand looked different hinting that she might had cheek implants too.
Here’s another comparison showing her different look. Chyna’s cheeks look more protruding on the right image.
Her lips are also noticeably much fuller. Chyna’s lips were never thin in the first place, but they were not this thick.
Blac Chyna has a son with ex-boyfriend Tyga and gave birth to a daughter with Rob Kardashian on November 2016.
Blac Chyna was snapped on January 2017, two months after giving birth to her daughter and a month after her split with baby daddy Rob Kardashian.
Desde Arriba – In English, it means From Pleasure
Intriguing title isn’t it? Don’t worry I am not going to blog in Spanish (I don’t even know the language). A friend whom I met in one of my travels taught me about it. I’ve chosen that as a title of my blog because my main goal for this site is to spark the desire for pleasure. In a busy street where I live in, I often sit and watch people pass by me. I kept thinking what’s going on inside their head, I observe their faces, their aura (as others would call it).
Often, I would see people who wear blank faces, those that looked like they are dragging their feet to live. Modern zombies, I must say. People who live a meaningless and colorless life. Sadly these zombies are sometimes dear to me too. They either live with me or close to me. I often wonder how could I rescue them from this. What can I do to wake them up from deep slumber.
I wish this site might be of help. That maybe one day a bored soul (might be you), will find this blog and find some much needed kick from here. Life is too short to waste it with the same old boring routine. Go out there my friend. LIVE.